Friday, February 17, 2017

Why do I prefer spending more time on Youtube than Facebook ?

Facebook is a social network and Youtube is video search engine.

Every time I visit Facebook. I get three brackets of updates
1) Life Events (Marriage, Birth, Anniversaries, Travels)
2) People and brands selling stuff.
3) News (Maybe because I am subscribed to more number of them).

I don`t get to see more than this, the worst part of it is that all that information is shoved down to me and nothing of which I TRULY care of. I think this may be the most pessimistic way of looking at Facebook, but the user experience is dying down. We all have to admit it, there is something wrong with Facebook.

Youtube gives me answers and Facebook gives me questions 

Youtube has replaced my Google Search for me. Video storytelling or answers appeal far more than text (Google Text Search).  Although, It may not be the fastest way of getting an answer.
I do get recommendations based on my history of videos but that's something which is worth the time. This keeps me invested in Youtube because that's something which is not shoved to me but instead something which I have asked for.

Whereas Facebook gives me questions, it gives me questions like, why, what is this person or brand doing? It stuns a person with nuisance curiosity or stalking (Maybe the other word) to describe it.

Videos search is easier on Youtube than on Facebook. 

To be fair to Facebook, I tried searching for videos on Facebook first and then on Youtube.
Well, I didn't go well as expected. I went ahead and then did the same thing on Youtube.
Results were far better and I got what I wanted within seconds.

What can Facebook learn from Youtube?

Since Facebook has started shifting its focus on video content and making Facebook a video-centric social network. It has a long way to go for indexing content and making in searchable. Facebook has its own problem regarding privacy of the videos, but so does youtube.

Facebook Page - a product introduced long back has only got cosmetics changes and the base product has always been the same. Facebook pages products need to merge with video and then we can understand the true potential of going the video way. However, Facebook Live merge is not a merge.

Is Facebook Live a threat to Youtube? 

All the points mentioned above, Facebook is smart enough to know them. To take Youtube head on, was never the option. So they introduced Facebook Live. Although it is at a very nascent stage to understand the real potential, Although I think Facebook Live has created great opportunities for the people to create and distribute their content.

 Anyway, I personally spend time on both. however, unequally it may be.

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