Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Technology should be the combination of three things, Arts, Science, Commerce.

ARTS because the technology should be beautiful. It should remain in one`s mind for a long time. Technology should stand the test of time. The Macintosh Monitor, which had a colorful back is still remembered. The look and feel of a laptop`s keyboard is better than a normal PC keyboard.It is Art, which can make a difference between a good looking product-Bad working product and a bad looking product-good working product. The artistic brain behind a technology can make it presentable and also sell able. A consumer will always tend to buy a electronic product if it has a good look and feel and with the same type of technological quality, which is provided buy its rival products.

SCIENCE because it is the most core part of the technology. It is something makes the inside of the technology. Science make things works. The microprocessor which is inside every computer, the chips, the integrated circuits, the semiconductors, to the satellites are made by scientific specifications. Science is the thing which creates thing, but sometimes doesn't care the arts and commercial aspects of its applications. All it cares is about how much will it help mankind even though how ugly or how loss-making it maybe commercially.

COMMERCE. Technology is business. It is after all making money. Sometimes Money and Profit are motives behind a technology and it should remain the same way. Technology is an Intellectual Property and somebody has to pay for it. It is the commercial aspect of technology which makes people like Bill Gates, overnight rich and Microsoft as the world`s largest software company in the world.

I believe that the world`s best selling and most widely used technological product will be the one who would consider the scientific, commercial and the artistic aspect of it. Few companies in the world consider all these aspects.

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